The Healthy Portions Are In Your Hands Menu Plan for Diabetes

Enter your email below to get instant access to this straightforward & helpful menu plan to get you on the right path to better health and improved diabetes management today!

Are you struggling with eating to manage your type 2 diabetes? Are you looking for a simple and flexible menu plan created by a Certified Diabetes Educator?

You've just been diagnosed with diabetes...

Or perhaps you've been dealing with high blood sugars for months and no matter what you try, your blood sugar isn't getting better. And your doctor said the next step is medication.

When you are overwhelmed with managing diabetes it can help to keep things simple and to focus on one task or one action each week that easily fits in with how you eat now. When you focus on one approach each week, the work of it all seems a lot less overwhelming. Then there is no new diet to go on or off of, only small steps to follow. Use our simple yet effective meal plan to get you on the right path to better diabetes control TODAY.

In this free download, you'll gain:

An approach that you can use anywhere to help you decide how much to eat whether eating at home or away.

Advice for drinks & beverages when you have diabetes.

A simple meal plan that supports your heart health.

About Your Diabetes Educator

Michelle Archer, RD, CDE

Michelle Archer is a Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator in Canada who has a vision for Making a Difference in Diabetes. She has worked as a Diabetes Educator for over 15 years and focusses her work towards individuals who are struggling with managing their health and their diabetes. She has witnessed how a person centered approach makes a difference in the lives of people living with diabetes. 

She uses her unique Discovering Diabetes™ program and Diabetes Myth Books to help people gain the skills and supports needed to successfully manage their diabetes. To further Make a Difference in Diabetes, Michelle delivers The Diabetes Manager University (DMU) training program to assist and mentor health care professionals to be more effective in their interactions with their patients living with diabetes.

She is driven by her mission to change the way both patients and practitioners experience diabetes education, management, and community healthcare services. She knows first-hand that these health journeys can be better for the patient/client with more access to trained experts and community.

In her work, Michelle combines her education, training, and her unique expertise with the best practices and research in diabetes management in Canada to help others gain more knowledge, share their experience, and make a big impact on the health of people living with diabetes.

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